
Please read Terms of Service

Total Stargates: 80

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Name Newest

Vk Labs NEW
Multiverse Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Vala Avro

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Othala
2025-03-13, 02:51:20
Outgoing wormhole to Bobs Gate
2025-03-12, 20:38:33
Olyesti Mall
Olyesti Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Judy767 Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-11, 19:03:05
Outgoing wormhole to Bobs Gate
2025-03-11, 11:40:10
Outgoing wormhole to Promethei Terra Outpost Mars
2025-03-11, 11:39:21
Incoming wormhole from Empire Of Dirt (Syldavia)
2025-03-11, 11:37:24
Oylesti City
Olyesti Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Judy767 Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-11, 20:43:45
Outgoing wormhole to Bobs Gate
2025-03-11, 20:15:11
Outgoing wormhole to Bobs Gate
2025-03-11, 00:26:01
Outgoing wormhole to Outpost - Pyth's Home
2025-03-10, 05:34:21
Promethei Terra Outpost Mars
Alliance Navy Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Moxi Coy

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to AFKEA Naval Academy
2025-03-13, 23:47:49
Incoming wormhole from Outpost - Pyth's Home
2025-03-13, 23:43:42
Outgoing wormhole to Outpost - Pyth's Home
2025-03-13, 23:40:39
Incoming wormhole from Olyesti Mall
2025-03-11, 11:39:23
Dunbeath Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Kim Hester

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-13, 17:25:56
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-12, 17:36:15
Outgoing wormhole to Shroomhaven
2025-03-12, 12:41:27
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-11, 17:13:08
Bobs Gate
Wikked Island Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Babob Riler

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Zanadu
2025-03-13, 22:23:48
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-12, 20:38:35
Incoming wormhole from Oylesti City
2025-03-11, 20:15:13
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-11, 11:41:46
Newhopetoo Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Mena Jewell

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Destiny Ship
2025-03-09, 17:19:45
Incoming wormhole from Olyesti Mall
2025-03-05, 21:07:23
Incoming wormhole from Quxylo
2025-03-05, 18:45:37
Incoming wormhole from AFKEA Naval Academy
2025-03-05, 04:31:24
Sunrise Beach Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Damien Vectoscope

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Hub - Pyth's Home
2025-03-07, 04:14:52
Incoming wormhole from SGC - Stargate Command
2025-03-05, 17:21:56
Incoming wormhole from Qunohe
2025-02-28, 21:36:15
Incoming wormhole from Bauer TCC
2025-02-28, 11:07:17
Merryfield Gap Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Zann Zelin

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Bobs Gate
2025-03-13, 22:23:51
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-11, 18:57:58
Outgoing wormhole to Farseer
2025-03-06, 19:18:24
Incoming wormhole from Quxylo
2025-03-05, 18:29:41
Nexus Archive Oupost
Tatarstan Region
Pegasus Galaxy
Eris Ravenwood

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Vyjaji
2025-03-13, 17:58:09
Incoming wormhole from Lyjly
2025-03-12, 18:12:38
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-09, 17:52:25
Outgoing wormhole to Dreamflow
2025-03-09, 07:42:30
Multiverse Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Vala Avro

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-10, 00:06:45
Incoming wormhole from Hiraya Town
2025-03-09, 14:24:53
Outgoing wormhole to Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 18:11:23
Incoming wormhole from Pofube
2025-03-03, 04:11:25
Jitterbug Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Tyrno Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from IK Route8
2025-03-06, 21:30:03
Incoming wormhole from Mexes Platform
2025-03-05, 17:49:44
Incoming wormhole from Zuvaxa
2025-03-04, 18:56:51
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:30:27
Empire Of Dirt (syldavia)
Plaza Region
Milkyway Galaxy
MICKE94 Avora

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Olyesti Mall
2025-03-11, 11:37:22
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-08, 19:30:27
Incoming wormhole from Pofube
2025-03-03, 04:14:51
Incoming wormhole from Carnival Of Carnage
2025-03-01, 21:02:50
Totter's Lane
Halden Region
Distant Galaxy
John Silverweb

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-11, 14:17:11
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 16:53:35
Outgoing wormhole to Cogyv
2025-03-05, 07:27:38
Incoming wormhole from Destiny Ship
2025-03-05, 07:26:00
Tarnation Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Vala Avro

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Lyjly
2025-03-12, 18:10:31
Incoming wormhole from Mexes Platform
2025-03-08, 20:28:17
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 16:43:53
Outgoing wormhole to Midway
2025-03-04, 19:16:30
Carter Skybox
Ceilostomo Region
Milkyway Galaxy
MajorCarter Rajal

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Midway
2025-03-11, 20:02:35
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-11, 19:49:42
Incoming wormhole from Equwa
2025-03-09, 22:12:31
Outgoing wormhole to Carter Outpost
2025-03-08, 19:41:46
Carter Outpost
Excession Region
Milkyway Galaxy
MajorCarter Rajal

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Vk Labs
2025-03-12, 18:08:13
Outgoing wormhole to Vk Labs
2025-03-12, 18:06:58
Outgoing wormhole to Sapege
2025-03-11, 19:18:09
Outgoing wormhole to Diagon Alley
2025-03-09, 15:45:09
Bittersweet Kingdom Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Levian Laville

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Promethei Terra Outpost Mars
2025-03-09, 17:18:05
Incoming wormhole from Destiny Ship
2025-03-09, 17:15:05
Outgoing wormhole to Diagon Alley
2025-03-07, 06:48:40
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-06, 20:57:13
Ceilostomo Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Darsh Vortex

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-12, 16:47:24
Incoming wormhole from Hiraya Town
2025-03-09, 14:03:01
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-09, 12:28:15
Incoming wormhole from IK Route8
2025-03-06, 21:28:37
Hub - Pyth's Home
Bimini Atoll Region
Pegasus Galaxy
rickyutto Resident

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to STC
2025-03-13, 23:04:02
Outgoing wormhole to Qjypu
2025-03-09, 12:45:23
Incoming wormhole from Pvika
2025-03-09, 12:43:52
Outgoing wormhole to STC
2025-03-07, 04:16:28
Hiraya Town
Bedstraw Region
Pegasus Galaxy
Linaly Kealoha

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-14, 08:12:56
Outgoing wormhole to Tepa
2025-03-12, 17:22:10
Outgoing wormhole to Cogyv
2025-03-09, 15:10:41
Outgoing wormhole to Icarus
2025-03-09, 14:24:51
Diagon Alley
Sunrise Beach Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Damien Vectoscope

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Carter Outpost
2025-03-09, 15:45:09
Incoming wormhole from Pumena
2025-03-08, 20:52:29
Incoming wormhole from Hahogu
2025-03-07, 06:48:40
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:29:11
Afkea Naval Academy
Lozi Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Nuup Bergan

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Promethei Terra Outpost Mars
2025-03-13, 23:47:51
Outgoing wormhole to Dreamflow
2025-03-10, 10:42:46
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-10, 10:42:05
Outgoing wormhole to Pvika
2025-03-09, 12:42:16
Destiny Ship
Innoomnia Region
Distant Galaxy
MICKE94 Avora

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Nakoma
2025-03-09, 17:19:43
Outgoing wormhole to Hahogu
2025-03-09, 17:15:03
Incoming wormhole from Vyjaji
2025-03-09, 17:00:52
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 17:04:06
Zut Alors Region
Milkyway Galaxy
inzone Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Niwefu
2025-03-13, 03:07:39
Incoming wormhole from Niwefu
2025-03-13, 03:05:31
Incoming wormhole from Niwefu
2025-03-13, 03:04:02
Incoming wormhole from Niwefu
2025-03-13, 03:02:41
Jupiter Region
Distant Galaxy
Roger Inaka

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Lyjly
2025-03-12, 18:11:19
Outgoing wormhole to BlackbackStudio
2025-03-09, 12:47:16
Incoming wormhole from Hub - Pyth's Home
2025-03-09, 12:45:23
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-09, 02:30:25
Vodka Region
Milkyway Galaxy
MICKE94 Avora

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Daybreak
2025-03-09, 20:13:23
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-08, 19:34:22
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-08, 19:33:05
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-08, 19:32:05
Bn Creations
Outset Island Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Beach Nightfire

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to ArcadeN
2025-03-14, 15:29:30
Incoming wormhole from Pvika
2025-03-10, 17:50:02
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-09, 23:03:38
Incoming wormhole from Othala
2025-03-09, 02:28:14
Carnival Of Carnage
Queue Region
Milkyway Galaxy
CrixusCrucifixus Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-12, 18:18:40
Incoming wormhole from Equwa
2025-03-09, 21:25:19
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 16:54:53
Incoming wormhole from Oylesti City
2025-03-08, 14:13:39
Mogwa Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Jewel Addams

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Hiraya Town
2025-03-12, 17:22:12
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 16:37:57
Outgoing wormhole to SLDA
2025-03-06, 14:16:24
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-06, 14:13:18
Caramel Sundae Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Tirips Resident

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Pvika
2025-03-11, 03:15:53
Incoming wormhole from Othala
2025-03-10, 22:58:47
Incoming wormhole from Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 19:02:34
Incoming wormhole from Dahiu
2025-03-05, 22:35:45
Mexes Platform
Lyonet Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Sisko Aries

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Lyjly
2025-03-12, 18:12:37
Outgoing wormhole to Olyesti Mall
2025-03-08, 20:29:22
Outgoing wormhole to HomeLab
2025-03-08, 20:28:15
Incoming wormhole from Othala
2025-03-08, 20:24:05
Enchanted Woodlands Region
Milkyway Galaxy
July Foxglove

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Destiny
2025-03-06, 18:21:25
Incoming wormhole from Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 18:19:14
Incoming wormhole from Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 12:31:56
Outgoing wormhole to Nexus Archive Oupost
2025-03-05, 18:29:36
Cavanaugh Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Craig Warrhol

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Zuqezy
2025-03-13, 03:07:37
Outgoing wormhole to Zuqezy
2025-03-13, 03:05:29
Outgoing wormhole to Zuqezy
2025-03-13, 03:04:00
Outgoing wormhole to Zuqezy
2025-03-13, 03:02:39
Sky-lagoon Of Nidana
Nidana Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Linaly Kealoha

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Dreamflow
2025-03-10, 10:32:17
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-10, 10:07:35
Outgoing wormhole to AFKEA Naval Academy
2025-03-09, 12:40:23
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-09, 12:38:14
Bauer Tcc
Bauer Tide Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Sisko Aries

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-14, 16:04:02
Incoming wormhole from Wiraqa
2025-03-07, 22:05:25
Outgoing wormhole to MeetMe Farm
2025-03-05, 18:38:02
Incoming wormhole from SLDA
2025-03-05, 18:35:37
Nostalgia Region
Pegasus Galaxy
Pixel Core

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Farseer
2025-03-12, 12:41:31
Outgoing wormhole to Sepermeru
2025-03-11, 12:27:11
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:29:13
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:27:04
Multiverse Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Vala Avro

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from MeetMe Farm
2025-03-11, 21:07:37
Incoming wormhole from Carter Skybox
2025-03-11, 20:02:38
Incoming wormhole from Destiny
2025-03-10, 01:14:45
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-10, 00:03:54
Kitsune Galaxy Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Nyabloody Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Shroomhaven
2025-03-11, 12:27:13
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-08, 19:55:26
Outgoing wormhole to Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 13:05:50
Incoming wormhole from Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 13:04:51
Multiverse Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Nuup Bergan

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Vk Labs
2025-03-13, 02:51:18
Outgoing wormhole to Vk Labs
2025-03-12, 19:59:08
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-11, 21:34:52
Incoming wormhole from SGC - Stargate Command
2025-03-11, 21:09:47
Society Shores
Multiverse Region
Milkyway Galaxy
MICKE94 Avora

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Kapymy
2025-03-06, 00:28:21
Outgoing wormhole to Quxylo
2025-03-05, 18:25:22
Incoming wormhole from 5261_Eureka
2025-03-05, 18:23:57
Outgoing wormhole to Sepermeru
2025-03-05, 17:42:24
Sgc - Stargate Command
Multiverse Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Vala Avro

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from BlackbackStudio
2025-03-11, 21:39:44
Outgoing wormhole to Othala
2025-03-11, 21:09:46
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-10, 16:00:13
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-10, 10:08:23
Dimitrios Region
Milkyway Galaxy
RollingThunderCloud Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-13, 10:10:17
Incoming wormhole from Kapymy
2025-03-06, 00:57:54
Incoming wormhole from OlyestiCIty
2025-03-05, 21:35:50
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-05, 17:59:46
Venrigalli Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Aleksandr String

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Destiny
2025-03-10, 01:14:05
Outgoing wormhole to TLS
2025-03-09, 22:14:32
Incoming wormhole from Equwa
2025-03-09, 22:13:40
Outgoing wormhole to Incubo
2025-03-09, 21:42:05
Harshap Region
Pegasus Galaxy
Darsh Vortex

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from BN Creations
2025-03-14, 15:29:33
Outgoing wormhole to Mystical Gateway
2025-03-08, 17:49:55
Outgoing wormhole to Quxylo
2025-03-05, 18:19:35
Outgoing wormhole to Qujifi
2025-03-05, 18:18:04
Outpost - Pyth's Home
Bimini Atoll Region
Milkyway Galaxy
rickyutto Resident

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Promethei Terra Outpost Mars
2025-03-13, 23:43:40
Incoming wormhole from Promethei Terra Outpost Mars
2025-03-13, 23:40:41
Outgoing wormhole to MeetMe Farm
2025-03-11, 21:05:43
Incoming wormhole from MHBB
2025-03-11, 20:58:03
Yorkies Bar
Amella Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Yorkie Bardeen

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Bobs Gate
2025-03-10, 16:16:26
Incoming wormhole from IK Route8
2025-03-06, 21:27:20
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:24:56
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-01, 23:54:34
A Rocket Bar
Bay City - Moosehead Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Yeya Zuta

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-08, 22:14:03
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 16:39:37
Outgoing wormhole to Quxylo
2025-03-05, 19:21:30
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-05, 19:19:56
Boksik Region
Distant Galaxy
Video1313 Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Carter Outpost
2025-03-11, 19:18:09
Incoming wormhole from Equwa
2025-03-09, 22:06:59
Outgoing wormhole to Dreamflow
2025-03-06, 18:40:37
Incoming wormhole from Kapymy
2025-03-06, 00:38:59
Bay City - Truro Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Irishk9 Aeon

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Lyjly
2025-03-12, 18:12:35
Outgoing wormhole to Outpost - Pyth's Home
2025-03-11, 20:58:00
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-11, 20:48:36
Outgoing wormhole to ArcadeN
2025-03-05, 18:16:53
Ghamb Region
Distant Galaxy
ColonelEverettYoung Resident

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Vk Labs
2025-03-10, 21:20:42
Outgoing wormhole to Vk Labs
2025-03-10, 21:18:20
Outgoing wormhole to Midway
2025-03-10, 01:14:43
Outgoing wormhole to 5261_Eureka
2025-03-10, 01:14:03
Rustic Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Hunter Vermilion

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Dahiu
2025-03-07, 16:31:02
Incoming wormhole from Quxylo
2025-03-05, 19:12:57
Outgoing wormhole to Malice
2025-03-02, 19:58:38
Incoming wormhole from Outpost - Pyth's Home
2025-03-02, 19:55:55
Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
Vodka Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Nuup Bergan

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Bauer TCC
2025-03-14, 16:04:00
Incoming wormhole from Farseer
2025-03-13, 17:25:58
Incoming wormhole from Farseer
2025-03-12, 17:36:17
Outgoing wormhole to BlackbackStudio
2025-03-11, 21:37:02
Primavera Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Sarena Dreamscape

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Hiraya Town
2025-03-14, 08:12:52
Outgoing wormhole to Hilltop
2025-03-13, 10:10:15
Incoming wormhole from AFKEA Naval Academy
2025-03-10, 10:42:48
Outgoing wormhole to AFKEA Naval Academy
2025-03-10, 10:42:03
Hochkonig Region
Milkyway Galaxy
BuTyCbKa Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Cagoh
2025-03-11, 03:15:55
Outgoing wormhole to BN Creations
2025-03-10, 17:50:01
Outgoing wormhole to Hub - Pyth's Home
2025-03-09, 12:43:48
Incoming wormhole from AFKEA Naval Academy
2025-03-09, 12:42:18
Mystical Gateway
Mystical Gateway Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Adric Loorden

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-09, 02:31:27
Incoming wormhole from ArcadeN
2025-03-08, 17:49:57
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-05, 04:40:25
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-05, 03:27:17
Blue Sky Island Region
Pegasus Galaxy
Carl Landfall

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Equwa
2025-03-09, 23:32:42
Incoming wormhole from Othala
2025-03-09, 02:27:05
Outgoing wormhole to SGC - Stargate Command
2025-03-06, 19:40:06
Incoming wormhole from Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 19:30:00
Astylus Region
Pegasus Galaxy
MrHarrisonOfReaper Resident

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Equwa
2025-03-09, 22:16:35
Incoming wormhole from 5261_Eureka
2025-03-09, 22:14:35
Incoming wormhole from Pofube
2025-03-03, 04:18:02
Outgoing wormhole to Dahiu
2025-02-27, 04:23:20
Nautilus - Adherbal Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Emery94 Resident

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Bauer TCC
2025-03-07, 22:05:23
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-06, 17:13:21
Incoming wormhole from Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 17:09:56
Incoming wormhole from Pofube
2025-03-03, 04:14:51
Milda Region
Distant Galaxy
Iris Herouin

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Sky-Lagoon Of Nidana
2025-03-05, 20:30:58
Outgoing wormhole to Society Shores
2025-03-04, 18:54:05
Incoming wormhole from Mystical Gateway
2025-03-04, 18:53:02
Incoming wormhole from Pofube
2025-03-03, 04:13:34
Raiden Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Bellimora Bellisserian

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Basement Gate
2025-03-09, 21:48:19
Incoming wormhole from Incubo
2025-03-09, 21:44:47
Incoming wormhole from Hiraya Town
2025-03-09, 15:10:43
Incoming wormhole from Piwiwe
2025-03-06, 13:03:10
Blue Sky Island Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Carl Landfall

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Cogyv
2025-03-09, 21:44:45
Incoming wormhole from 5261_Eureka
2025-03-09, 21:42:07
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:29:13
Incoming wormhole from ArcadeN
2025-03-04, 00:21:56
Azathoth Nebula Region
Distant Galaxy
Kal Aie

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to STC
2025-03-03, 16:15:15
Incoming wormhole from Destiny Ship
2025-03-03, 16:11:31
Outgoing wormhole to SGC - Stargate Command
2025-03-01, 04:36:47
Incoming wormhole from Outpost - Pyth's Home
2025-03-01, 04:34:23
Dunnideer Region
Milkyway Galaxy
RollingThunderCloud Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Othala
2025-03-10, 23:00:40
Incoming wormhole from AFKEA Naval Academy
2025-03-09, 11:34:50
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-08, 01:02:28
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-06, 23:45:25
Fauna Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Ember Ember

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Nexus Archive Oupost
2025-03-13, 17:58:11
Outgoing wormhole to Destiny Ship
2025-03-09, 17:00:52
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-09, 16:57:14
Outgoing wormhole to SLDA
2025-03-05, 18:33:39
Cavanaugh Region
Distant Galaxy
Iris Herouin

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 16:59:26
Incoming wormhole from Tepa
2025-03-06, 14:16:24
Incoming wormhole from Kapymy
2025-03-06, 00:23:01
Outgoing wormhole to Bauer TCC
2025-03-05, 18:35:35
Nautilus - Hamilcar Region
Milkyway Galaxy
EsePibe Borkotron

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Othala
2025-03-10, 22:59:42
Incoming wormhole from Farseer
2025-02-24, 05:43:49
Outgoing wormhole to Pvika
2025-02-22, 16:57:59
Incoming wormhole from Inaka Kingdom
2025-02-22, 16:56:39
Timelord Sandbox
Mount Olympus Region
Milkyway Galaxy
JoelArron Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 16:42:28
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-06, 13:55:09
Incoming wormhole from Destiny
2025-03-06, 13:51:06
Incoming wormhole from Pofube
2025-03-03, 04:13:31
Quantum Region
Pegasus Galaxy
Darling Brody

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Equwa
2025-03-09, 21:30:49
Incoming wormhole from Equwa
2025-03-09, 21:29:06
Incoming wormhole from Reqoxy
2025-03-08, 17:21:31
Outgoing wormhole to Daybreak
2025-03-08, 14:35:41
Ik Route8
Morestello Region
Milkyway Galaxy
ST1sato Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Oylesti City
2025-03-09, 21:11:44
Outgoing wormhole to Tyrnolab
2025-03-06, 21:30:01
Outgoing wormhole to Nroute8a
2025-03-06, 21:28:34
Outgoing wormhole to Yorkies Bar
2025-03-06, 21:27:18
Basement Gate
A Little Slice Region
Milkyway Galaxy
EkimSky Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Cogyv
2025-03-09, 21:48:20
Incoming wormhole from Kapymy
2025-03-06, 00:42:13
Incoming wormhole from Zuvaxa
2025-03-04, 18:56:06
Incoming wormhole from Jitav
2025-02-17, 07:22:42
Meetme Farm
Sharman Region
Milkyway Galaxy
minopii Resident

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Midway
2025-03-11, 21:07:35
Incoming wormhole from Outpost - Pyth's Home
2025-03-11, 21:05:45
Incoming wormhole from Gakyxo
2025-03-10, 21:38:34
Incoming wormhole from BN Creations
2025-03-06, 12:46:38
Morestello Region
Milkyway Galaxy
e2asama Forzane

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-07, 22:03:59
Outgoing wormhole to Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-05, 19:05:05
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-05, 19:03:33
Incoming wormhole from Hahogu
2025-02-21, 10:10:43
Inaka Kingdom
Horns Of Hattin Region
Milkyway Galaxy
ST1sato Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Equwa
2025-03-09, 21:21:37
Incoming wormhole from Carter Skybox
2025-03-08, 19:41:23
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 16:48:18
Incoming wormhole from Pofube
2025-03-03, 04:12:39
Minna Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Skullphern Resident

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Vk Labs
2025-03-09, 12:04:07
Incoming wormhole from Xyhury
2025-03-08, 17:06:54
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:30:27
Incoming wormhole from Pofube
2025-03-03, 04:14:51
Task Force Ghosts
Veyla Prime Region
Milkyway Galaxy
MICKE94 Avora

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Daybreak
2025-03-05, 22:40:02
Outgoing wormhole to A Rocket Bar
2025-03-04, 03:43:52
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:27:04
Incoming wormhole from Sky-Lagoon Of Nidana
2025-03-03, 05:07:20
Multiverse Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Aveen Aftermath

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to Niwefu
2025-03-06, 14:55:37
Incoming wormhole from Unknown
2025-03-05, 22:05:34
Incoming wormhole from ArcadeN
2025-03-04, 15:35:52
Incoming wormhole from Zimuhu
2025-03-04, 00:27:00
Horizons Thule Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Isolte Ember

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to SGC - Stargate Command
2025-03-11, 21:39:42
Incoming wormhole from Torvaldsland 2 Electric Boogaloo
2025-03-11, 21:37:04
Outgoing wormhole to SGC - Stargate Command
2025-03-09, 12:49:26
Incoming wormhole from Qjypu
2025-03-09, 12:47:18
Lyonet Region
Milkyway Galaxy
Sisko Aries

Latest connections:
Outgoing wormhole to STC
2025-03-13, 17:22:12
Incoming wormhole from Hadante
2025-03-09, 20:13:26
Incoming wormhole from Atlantis
2025-03-08, 14:35:43
Outgoing wormhole to Mexes Platform
2025-03-08, 14:25:18
Lyonet Region
Pegasus Galaxy
Nuup Bergan

Latest connections:
Incoming wormhole from Hub - Pyth's Home
2025-03-13, 23:04:05
Incoming wormhole from Daybreak
2025-03-13, 17:22:17
Outgoing wormhole to AFKEA Naval Academy
2025-03-09, 11:34:03
Incoming wormhole from Dreamflow
2025-03-09, 11:32:51